A Song Inside a Seed

Dancing Wolf

A Song Inside a Seed

Spring tickles our island ground despite Winter’s late embrace
of snowfalls and close calls and toques still in place
Writers sharing as they expound through the ancient grace
of expressing with the alphabet and between time and space

So good the readings from all the creatives who coalesced
Hearing our neighbours literary labours I feel so blessed
Stories so fully alive they flew deep within my chest
Gratitude so underrated is here and now expressed

All those who put good thought to word and better yet to deed
know that traction demands action if we are to honour a need
Reminding me of what I heard from a song inside a seed
If I want my love to truly grow then it’s never fear I feed
Thanks to Carina and The Cortes Island Museum
for Hosting another much appreciated season of the Literary Club

Dancing Wolf
March 12, 2017
