Tara Warkentin Presentation

DSC06047The Cortes Museum hosted Tara Warkentin’s presentation to a full house at Manson’s Hall last night. Tara talked of her recent experience as a participant of “SCHOOLS ON BOARD” aboard the CCGS Amundsen, a research vessel in the Arctic. She spoke with clarity of the excitement she and 7 other across Canada students experienced with the scientists through lectures, lab work, discussions and endless questions. CCGS Amundsen is a scientific research vessel collecting water samples, animals living on the ocean floor and core of bottom sediment. Tara outlined all the research being done in the Arctic with the main purpose being to collect data so they have a baseline of data in order to understand the effects of global warming in the Arctic.

Asked how did this effect your opinion of global warming, she replied the scientists don’t know the full effect and that is why continuing to collect data is extremely important.

Tara returned from her trip with a deeper understanding of the biodiversity of the Arctic and its inherent beauty.