Twin Islands, Jan. 30

Queen Elizabeth visiting Twin Islands

Mention Twin Islands to any Discovery Islander and they’re sure to respond: “Isn’t that the place Queen Elizabeth stayed?” And it’s true, Twin Islands did host the Royal Family several times, but the Royals are just one of many fascinating chapters in Twin’s history.

Jeanette Taylor, author of five coastal histories (including bestseller Tidal Passages, which includes a section on Cortes Island) will give a lavishly illustrated peek into Twin Island’s dramatic story via Zoom on Saturday, January 30 at 2 p.m. She’ll be joined by current owner Mark Torrance, drawing on their book: Twin Islands, History and Legacy on the BC Coast.

“Twin has such a big story for a relatively small place. When I talk about the islands, I find myself citing that old trope about truth versus fiction: ‘you couldn’t make this stuff up.’ ” — Jeanette Taylor

Illustrating her point, Jeanette’s talk dips into an unsolved murder, eccentric lovers, a massive lodge built by American tycoons fleeing Japan on the cusp of WWII, its years as a summer retreat for German royalty, and a brush with logging and multi-lot development.

Jeanette Taylor researched and wrote Twin Islands in 2019 at the behest of Mark Torrance, who produced a private edition of the book for former owners and caretakers. They will pitch the book to a commercial publisher this winter.

Mark Torrance and Jeanette Taylor look forward to taking questions following their slide presentation.

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