Ecuador Oil Pollution Case Comes to Canada

Rex Weyler talking about the plight of Ecuador peasants.

During his presentation on January 28, 2018, Rex Weyler addressed a full Manson’s Hall  talking about the serious ecological crisis in the Ecuadorian Amazon rainforest, the consequential plight of the Indigenous Cofán, Siona, Secoya, Quichua, and Huaorani peoples and the role Canadian courts may play regarding those seeking compensation for the inhabitants.

Rex visited the communities in Ecuador and has been working on this groundbreaking case, now being heard in the Ontario Superior Court. He showed slides of the affected communities and discussed the Canadian case.

Donations received at the door will be divided between the Museum’s outreach programming and the Frente de Defensa de la Amazonia (FDA), Front for the Defense of the Amazon. FDA is the coalition of 80 Amazon communities impacted by Chevron’s pollution. FDA is the legal beneficiary of the Ecuador judgment, responsible for the trust account for a remediation, once they are paid. Remediation is expected to take 10 to 20 years due to the severity of the damage.  Rex has also donated his honorarium for the presentation to the Amazon cause.

Thank you all for your generous donations.

Indigenous women at Ecuador oil pit.